
Who is Eligible for an Annulment?

In some specific situations, individuals may be able to file for annulment from a spouse after a marriage is finalized. The grounds for annulment are very specific, and to determine your eligibility to file, you need to first work with a family law attorney from The Goodman Law Firm, P.C. Our firm has years of experience handling these sensitive and complex family law issues, and we may be able to help you as well. When you work with our firm, we take the time to know you and the specifics of your case. We can thoroughly review your marriage and determine if an annulment is obtainable for you. A family lawyer in Rockwall from our team can provide you with dedicated and trusted legal counsel during this difficult time.

What are the Grounds for Annulment?

Criteria for annulment are much stricter than requirements for divorce. When you retain the representation of our firm, we can investigate your case and determine if any of the following grounds for annulment apply to you:

  • The marriage happened when one spouse was age 14 or younger
  • The person requesting the annulment was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the marriage
  • One of the spouses was already married at the time of the wedding
  • One individual was divorced within 30 days before the marriage
  • The marriage occurred between immediate relatives
  • The marriage occurred within the 72-hour time limit after the license was issued
  • One spouse was forced into the marriage based on fraud or duress
  • One spouse was mentally incapacitated at the time of the wedding
  • One spouse is permanently impotent

If you married a relative or if your spouse was already married at the time of your wedding and therefore committed bigamy, then, the marriage will be considered void in the state of Texas. To determine your eligibility to void or annul a marriage, you need to work with our firm right away.

Dedicated Family Law Attorney in Rockwall

At our firm, we understand that this time in your life may be difficult, but with the guidance of our team, you could secure a favorable outcome to your case. No one ever enters into marriage expecting it to end in annulment, divorce, or being deemed void. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of your marriage or you want to file for an annulment, you need to contact our firm. We proudly provide one-on-one representation to our clients and we can guide you throughout the process of taking legal action against your spouse.

Client Reviews

"I am a local pastor, and we have urged some of our parishioners to use Michael’s services. Michael is not only a good lawyer, he’s committed to the community and has a generous heart. I would not hesitate to recommend him."

- Ryan T.

"I picked the BEST attorney for sure. You were fair, kind, respectful and just a all around good man. I couldn’t have been more pleased."

- Pat W.

"This was my first experience with court/lawyers/law suits and Mr. Goodman really made everything easy for me! He answered all my questions in a professional and timely manner! I would recommend him to everyone!"

- C. Morrison

"Mr. Goodman is my go-to attorney for Texas law. As an attorney myself, I frequently represent litigants with interests in both Texas and California. Mr. Goodman’s advice has always been spot-on and saved my clients thousands of dollars. And when I needed representation in a Texas, I hired Mr...

- Pat H.

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